About the Microsite and log in as Organisation Manager
  • 26 Feb 2024
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About the Microsite and log in as Organisation Manager

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Article summary

A microsite is a branded content site that ConnectedLife uses to create an Organisation Manager.

This microsite partner registration form needs to be filled up by the following things.

  • Organisation details
  • Organisation manager details
  • Organisation administrator details
  • Select monitoring and escalation team
  • Upload the Organisation's logo
  • Confirm terms and conditions then submit


  • The Organisation administrator and Organisation manager will be the same person. Also, their email and contact details will be the same. Organisation manager and admin can be different people as well based on the client's needs.
  • Organisation manager login credentials will be emailed to the Organisation administrator when this microsite partner registration is submitted.
  • The Organisation manager can use those login credentials to log in to the Organisation admin dashboard.

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