How to Add Theme
  • 26 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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How to Add Theme

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Article summary

Themes/Skins is a feature whereby an Organisation can Customise their mobile app UI according to the desired styles. This theme is dynamic by default.

The theme enables Organisations to implement their branding visuals, as well as set different moods on the app during particular events (e.g. Christmas, National Day, etc.)

A few things that can be configured in the theme are.

  • Colors
  • Fonts (must be pre-installed, existing fonts are: Fira Sans, Lato, Montserrat, and Figtree)
  • Image/logo files (must be in the same dimensions as default)

As of now, only 1 zip file can be uploaded/updated in the dashboard.

Step 1: Log in to the Organisation Admin dashboard

From the Organisation admin dashboard go to content management and select Themes from the dropdown menu.

Step 2: Add Theme

  • By default, the skin is set to ConnectedLife Health default skin
  • To change/update to your custom skin, click on the Edit button
  • A pop-up will show up
  • Click the browser to upload a file
  • Click save changes

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