How to Complete User Profile
  • 09 Mar 2024
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How to Complete User Profile

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Article summary

This article outlines the process of completing a User Profile and self-onboarding. 

After the completion of the registration process, you can log in to the apps. Upon logging in, you will see two options, ‘Complete profile (2 min)’ and ‘I’ll do it later’. To onboard successfully, it is required to complete the user profile first.

You may choose “I’ll do it later’, but in that case, you will receive a notification for the confirmation of “Do Later” along with a text that if you do not complete the profile within 7 days, some features will be disabled.

You can complete your profile by going to ‘Profile’ and then ‘My Profile’

There are FIVE STEPS to complete the user profile.

Step 1: Personal & Contact Info

In this section, some information will be pre-filled. You need to fill up the rest of the field.

Step 2: Racial Origin

You need to select one that best describes your racial origin.

Step 3: Medical Background

In this section, you need to declare your medical background such as Diagnoses, Treatment, Family Background History, Allergy, etc.

Step 4: General Readings

Under the General Reading section, you need to input the appropriate data in the field.

Step 5: Lifestyle

In this section, you will see different questions regarding lifestyles.

After fulfilling all the required information in five sections, the profile will be completed.

Upon completion of all 5 steps, the user needs to select the Primary Support Team member from My Affiliation which is under the Profile section in the CLH App, and later on, the user will be onboarded accordingly. If you don't select a primary support team member from My Affiliation, you will remain as an Unassigned user.


  • To have a glimpse of your Wellness score and begin your program as soon as possible, you are recommended to complete your profile instantly.

  • Please note that the user cannot re-edit the general readings section after the profile completion. However, a user can input the physical data (Weight, Waist Circumference) in the App Profile Log. The support team member can edit any user profile information section, except the Lifestyle. 

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