How to customise widgets and parameters in the dashboard
  • 26 Feb 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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How to customise widgets and parameters in the dashboard

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Article summary

This insightful article guides you through the ability to seamlessly personalize widgets and modify parameters within the dashboard, empowering you with a deeper understanding of customisation possibilities.

What is Widget?

Widgets are small, often interactive components or tools that display specific information or perform particular functions within a user interface.

What is Parameter?

Parameters typically refer to various metrics or indicators related to an individual's well-being. These parameters might include things like heart rate, blood pressure, sleep patterns, exercise levels, water intake, and other relevant data points that help Care Team or Support Team Member monitor and manage the user’s health and wellness.

Widgets Customisation: For One user

Step 1:

Access the dashboard using the credentials affiliated with it.

Step 2:

Enter the user profile by clicking on the user name or ID.

Or search the user name or ID in the search box.

You can Customise the Widgets from the main page that comes after logging in. Swiping right, you will see the Widget option.

Now tap on the Widgets option (marked in the picture) after entering your profile.

Step 3:

Transform your dashboard effortlessly by toggling widgets on or off with a simple click. Plus, from this page, you have the power to enable or disable items on the Analysis page as well.

Keep in mind that certain options may appear disabled or unclickable as they are currently scheduled for users. To customise them to your preferences, remove the active schedule first, then unlock their full customization potential.

Step 4:

Upon finalizing your decision, keep it by clicking the "Save”.

Step 5:

A successful pop-up will appear after saving it.

Widgets Customisation: For Multiple User

Step 1:

Access the dashboard using the credentials affiliated with it.

Step 2:

You can Customise the widgets for multiple users at the same time, But you have to be the primary support team member of your assigned users. If you want to Customise the widgets for all of the assigned users, you need to click on the top left of the dashboard just beside the name section you will see the box, Just click the box and all users will be selected accordingly.

Or If you want to Customise the widgets for some of the users just click on the left side of the user name and user ID, you will see the box, click on the box and users will be selected accordingly.

Once you are done just click on the “Widget” icon from the below.

Step 3:

Now you can Customise the widgets for the Home and Analysis section, just click on the box, on the left side of the widget's name as per your requirement, Once done click on the “save” Icon.

Step 4:

A successful pop-up will appear after saving it.

Parameters Customisation

Step 1:

Once you've navigated to the user profile, gently tap on the “Parameters” button. Here, you're free to personalize individual items to your liking with a simple touch. Whether you opt for a comprehensive adjustment with a single tap on “All” or delicately select specific items, the choice is yours to make.


Widgets and Parameters customisation can be done only by Primary Support Team Member.

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