How to set and adjust targets for wellness score
  • 05 Mar 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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How to set and adjust targets for wellness score

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Article summary

The ConnectedLife platform allows the setting of targets personalised to the user/patient across a range of metrics. From process targets such as getting more exercise or reaching a daily step goal, or outcome goals such as achieving a healthier weight or constantly improved wellness score.

To set and adjust a users individual targets follow the step by step process below

Step 1: Navigate to Analysis

Navigate to the Analysis tab in the individual patients dashboard profile


Step 2: Open the target parameters menu

Click on the edit button at the bottom right of the Wellness widget


Step 3: Navigate target parameters

In this menu you will see a range of parameters that can be edited via individual drop downs. You can edit multiple targets at once but make sure to click save before closing the menu to ensure these new targets take effect.


Step 4: Save new parameters

Once saved, the patient will receive a notification of these changes and their profile will dynamically change to adjust to these new target values.


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