Wellness Plus Organisation Admin Roles details, Roles and Responsibilities
  • 13 Feb 2024
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Wellness Plus Organisation Admin Roles details, Roles and Responsibilities

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Article summary

Upon logging into the dashboard as an Organisation Admin (Org Admin) at Wellness Plus, authorized personnel gain access to a comprehensive view of all entities within the Organisation. Below are detailed explanations of the roles and responsibilities associated with each entity:

What is an Organisation? 

A Large Group or Small Healthcare Organisation. There can be more than one group.

Who is the Organisation Admin/Org Admin? 

The head admin of the Organisation known as the Org Admin is responsible for managing all the Facilities, Departments and their Admins, Support Team Members (STM), Users, and Content Management in the Organisation.

Please log in to the CLH Org Admin account to get access.

You’ll have the Org Admin View after successful login.

Org Admin View:

  • Organisation
  • Support Team
  • Users
  • Content Management

Organisation tab view: (as Org Admin)

  • Facilities and Departments
  • Facility Administrators
  • Department Administrators

Org Admin can also check the Number of the Department and Address. 

What is a Facility? 

A healthcare establishment or clinic offering medical services. Responsibilities vary with the size and type of the Facility (e.g. small clinic vs. large hospital). There can be more than one Facility.

What is a Department?

A specialised unit within a healthcare facility that focuses on specific services or treatments. Responsibilities include Organisational efficiency and Specialisation in services like pathology or radiology. There can be more than one Department.

From the Facilities and Departments (as Org Admin), you can:

  • Add Facility
  • Add Department
  • Edit Facility
  • Edit Department
  • Delete Empty Facility
  • Delete Empty Department

Org Admin can also check the Number of the Department and Address.  

Who is a Facility Admin? 

The person who manages administrative tasks of their respective Facility. In the absence of an Organisation Admin, a Facility Admin can manage the Facility. There can be more than one Facility Administrator.

From Facility Administrators (as Org Admin), you can:

  • Assign Facility Admin
  • View Facility Admin
  • Add Facility Admin
  • Edit Facility Admin
  • Delete Facility Admin

Org Admin can also check the Facility Admin’s Facility, Last sign-in, and Turn on/off PII (Personal Identifiable Information) Access.

Who is a Department Admin? 

The person who manages administrative tasks of their respective Department. There can be more than one Department Administrator.

From Department Administrators (as Org Admin), you can:

  • Assign Department Admin
  • View Department Admin
  • Add Department Admin
  • Edit Department Admin
  • Delete Department Admin

Org Admin can also check the Department Admin’s Facility and Department, Last sign-in, and Turn on/off PII (Personal Identifiable Information) Access.

What is a Support Team?

Support Team oversees users’ activities, invites, and assigns users. Support Team Member (Doctor/Clinician) is also known as STM. There are two types of STM. There are primary and secondary STMs. Support Team roles and responsibilities involve managing patient lists, schedules, and documents, as well as monitoring patient health parameters and compliance.

From the Support Team tab (as Org Admin)you can:

  • View Support Team
  • Add Support Team Member
  • Edit Support Team Members
  • Delete Support Team Members
  • Assign Patients to Support Team Members

Org Admin can also check the Support Team Member’s Facility and Department, Specialisation, Last sign-in, and Turn on/off PII (Personal Identifiable Information) Access.

Who is a User? 

A user is a patient who uses the CLH app.

Users' roles and responsibilities are: onboarding themself as a user, providing Report Health Status, acknowledging scheduled activities such as taking medication and Specialised nutrition, staying hydrated, taking rest, and exercises, logging the physicals, blood pressure, blood glucose & HbA1c, body temperature, SpO2 & PR bpm, lipids, etc.

View from the Users tab, and you’ll land on the Assigned Users list.

From the Users tab (as Org Admin), you can:

  • View User list
  • Invite New User/s
  • Onboard User
  • Edit and Delete Assigned User

Org Admin can also check the User’s Gender, Age, Support Team, Facility and Department, Last sync, Compliance, and View Onboarding Progress. 

From the drop-down menu beside Assigned Users, you can find:

  • All Users
  • Assigned Users
  • Unassigned Users
  • Pending Onboarding Users
  • Pending Activation List
  • Invited Users

Content Management tab view: (as Org Admin)

  • Medicines
  • Specialised Nutrition
  • Physiotherapy
  • Predefined Messages
  • Links
  • Themes
  • Alerts/Nudges

From the Content Management tab (as Org Admin), you can:

  • View/Add, Edit/Delete Medicines.

  • View/Add, Edit/Delete Specialised Nutrition.

  • View/Add, Edit/Delete Physiotherapy.

  • View/Add, Edit/Delete Predefined Messages.

  • View/Add, Edit/Delete Links.

  • Download/Edit Themes.

  • View/Add, Edit/Delete, Alerts/Nudges Template. 

This structured approach ensures that each entity within Wellness Plus has clearly defined roles and responsibilities. The Organisation Admin, holding a pivotal role, facilitates efficient coordination and management across the entire Organisation.

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