Wellness Sub Community Admin Roles details, Roles and Responsibilities
  • 08 Dec 2023
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Wellness Sub Community Admin Roles details, Roles and Responsibilities

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Article summary

In Wellness, Sub Community Admin aims to manage the administrative tasks of its Sub community. In his/her absence, the Wellness Admin and community can manage the Sub Community.

By clicking on 'Add New Sub Community' from Communities, a new Sub Community will be created.

Sub Community Administrators

Sub Community admin can Add new Sub Community Administrators.

Sub Community admin can View Sub Community Administrators.

Sub Community admin can Edit Sub Community Administrators.

Sub Community admin can Delete Sub Community Administrators.

Support Team

Sub Community admin can Add Support Team Members.

Sub Community admin can view Support Team Members.

Sub Community admin can edit Support Team Members.

Sub Community admin can view Support Team Members.

Population Overview

Sub Community admin can View key statistics, Population analysis, Population activity distribution, etc.


Sub Community admin can Create and View groups.


Sub Community admin can View the Calendar and add new Challenges.

Sub Community admin can view and add Challenge Templates.

Content Management

Sub Community admin can View, Edit, and Delete Links.

Sub Community admin can download and edit themes.

Note: Wellness Sub Community Admin can view and manage personal profile, settings, and field configuration.

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