Wellness Support Team Member (STM) Roles details, Roles and Responsibilities
  • 01 Mar 2024
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Wellness Support Team Member (STM) Roles details, Roles and Responsibilities

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Article summary

In Wellness, Support Team Member (STM) aims to monitor user/patient’s activities, invite and assign users.

Wellness Support Team Member (STM) Roles and Responsibilities are given below

Population overview

STM can Get a quick overview of how the population is doing and what challenges are ongoing.

Population wellness score

Score widget shows how well the population is doing overall over a period of time. It can be viewed by the STM.

Population wellness segment

Widget shows a distribution of population in the different wellness ranges of Healthy (green), Mild Concern (yellow), Moderate Concern (orange), and Severe Concern (red) over a period of time.

Population Analysis Challenges

Challenges widget shows the list of ongoing challenges.

Population Analysis Groups

Groups widget shows the top 5 groups in the Organisation, sorted by the lowest wellness score improvement by default. This allows you to quickly identify which groups require attention, and where STM can invite them to challenges to increase their wellness score.

Population Activity distribution

STM can distribute the BMI and Waist Circumference, exercise and Sedentary Time, Active Zone Minutes and Distance Covered, Steps and Sleep, Fruits and vegetables and Processed Food, Water Intake and Mood and stress, Alcohol and Smoking.

Population engagement

The widget shows how engaged the population is overall over a period of time.

Filter and Select

STM can View specific community/sub-community assigned.


STM can view the Distribution of population in the different wellness ranges from Healthy to Severe Concern, as well as an overall happiness level status.

Ongoing Challenges

A list of ongoing challenges, sorted by engagement level on default can be viewed by STM.


STM can Assign and unassign users.

Personal Profile

STM can View, Edit, and Config STM’s Personal Profiles.

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