How to Add Facility / Department Admin
  • 23 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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How to Add Facility / Department Admin

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Article summary

This article will help you to add New Facility Admin and New Department Admin.

Add New Facility Admin

Step 1:

Log in to the CLH Org Admin account.

Step 2:

Admin dashboard will open. Click on Organisation from the Organisation tab. Then click Facility Administrators.

Step 3:

Now click on +Add A New Facility Admin.

Step 4:

Fill in the User Name and click Next.

Step 5:

Fill in the necessary information and click Next.

Step 6:

Finally, select your Facility and press on Create Account.

Step 7:

A pop-up will appear of Facility Admin Added.

Add New Department Admin

Step 1:

Log in to the CLH Org Admin account.

Step 2:

Admin dashboard will open. Click on Organisation from the Organisation tab. Then click Department Administrators.

Step 3:

Now click on +Add A New Department Admin.

Step 4:

Fill in the User Name and click Next.

Step 5:

Fill in the necessary information and click Next.

Step 6:

Finally, select your Facility and Department. Then press on Create Account.

Step 7:

A pop-up will appear of Department Admin Added.

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