How to improve Wellness Score
  • 02 Feb 2024
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How to improve Wellness Score

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Article summary

To improve your Wellness Score, you must maintain a healthy lifestyle. 

Please follow the provided steps to increase your wellness score:

1. Report the health status daily.

2. Make sure you complete your exercise and enter it into your app. Take part in more daily activities as well.

3. Stay hydrated and input scheduled hydration in your app.

4. if a Support Team Member schedules medicine, take it at the scheduled time and input Taken it in your app.

5. Take rest (if scheduled by a Support Team Member).

6. Input your log (Physicals, Blood Pressure, Blood Glucose, body temperature, SPO2 & PR bpm, Lipids) daily or multiple times as guided. 


  • Besides Wellness score will be increased for a healthy diet (Fruit & Vegetable intake), having less depression & stress, and increased happiness level.

  • Avoid smoking, harmful drinks, and drugs (if you do so).

  • Maintain Your BMI and sedentary time.

  • A baseline wellness score of 70 suggests a generally healthy state, with areas for potential improvement highlighted in orange and yellow sections. Achieving a score of 100 signifies optimal, well-being in the captured parameters. Strive to maintain a wellness, score above 70 by actively engaging in positive contributions.

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