How to Invite User as Support Team Member / STM
  • 26 Feb 2024
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How to Invite User as Support Team Member / STM

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Article summary

This article will help you to invite a User as a Support Team Member (STM).

Step 1:

Log in to the Support Team Account.

Step 2:

After logging in, you will need to press “Invite User.”

Step 3:

Then you need to fill in all the necessary details properly. For example: First Name, Last Name, Email, and Phone number.

Step 4:

After filling out all the information, select the mode of invitation that suits your preference.

Step 5:

Fill in Specialised Nutrition Referral by turning it on (Optional).

Step 6:

Then press the “Send Invitation.”

Step 7:

A pop-up will appear after sending an invitation.

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