How to onboard user from Support Team Account
  • 14 Feb 2024
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How to onboard user from Support Team Account

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Article summary

This article will help you to onboard a user on the platform from the Support Team Member account.

To Onboard user to the platform, follow the below steps:

Step 1:

Sign in to the Support Team Member account with a valid email address and password.

Step 2:

Support Team Member Dashboard will open.

Step 3:

Now click on the Assigned Users. You will find a dropdown menu listing the user’s onboarding status.

Step 4:

Select the Pending Onboarding Users.

Step 5:

Now you are on the page of Pending Onboarding Users. Click on Onboard to onboard the user.

Step 6:

Now fill in all the necessary information in all the steps and click on Next.

Step 7:

Click on Onboard User.

Step 8:

A pop-up window will appear stating that User onboarded successfully.


Department and Support Team Member must remain under the same Facility.

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