How to schedule Activity
  • 28 Feb 2024
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How to schedule Activity

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Article summary

In the ConnectedLife dashboard, you can seamlessly schedule activity reminders to encourage your patients to embrace a physically active lifestyle.

Follow these user-friendly steps to set up Activity reminders effectively:

Step 1: Navigate to Schedule Management

Go to the user’s profile in the dashboard from your Support Team Account, you will land on the overview page then click on the schedule to view Schedule Management.

From the Activity tab, a new exercise can be added by tapping +Add new Exercise Group

Step 2: Configure Reminder Settings

  • Enter Group Name: Please enter the exercise group name to proceed to schedule the exercise.
  • Type of Exercise: Define the specific type of exercise you want patients to engage in.

  • Start Date: Choose the commencement date for the activity reminders.
  • Duration: Specify how long the reminders will continue.
  • End Date: Set the date on which you want to conclude the activity reminders.
  • Recurrence: Determine if the reminders should occur daily, weekly, or at custom intervals.
  • Frequency: Specify how often the reminders should be sent.
  • Timing: Choose the time of day for sending the reminders.

Step 3: Update Schedule

After configuring the Activity schedule to suit your requirements, click "Update Schedule" to save the changes. You also have the option to delete the schedule directly from this interface.

Step 4: A Confirmation Pop-up Message will appear

After successfully adding the scheduled activity, a confirmation message will appear.

How to Edit Activity Section

Click on the pen icon situated at the upper right side of the Activity section. This grants you the ability to make changes and tailor the Activity schedule according to your preferences.


You can only schedule 2 exercises daily in the Same Exercise Group; 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening. When utilizing scheduling features, it's crucial to consider Futuristic Scheduling. Ensure that the selected dates for scheduling various features for patients are in the future. The system does not permit scheduling for past dates.

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