Wellness Admin Roles details, Roles and Responsibilities
  • 26 Feb 2024
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Wellness Admin Roles details, Roles and Responsibilities

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Article summary

Wellness Admin refers to the Head Admin of the Wellness Organisation who will handle all communities under him/her. The below pictures will show the Organisation structure and entity details.

When we log in as Wellness Admin we can see many different roles. These are-

  • Community
  • Administrators
  • Support Team
  • Population Overview
  • Groups
  • Challenges
  • Content Management


Wellness Admin can Add Communities and Sub-Communities.

Wellness Admin can View Communities and Sub-Communities.

Wellness Admin can Edit Communities and Sub-Communities.

Wellness Admin can Delete Communities and Sub-Communities.


Wellness Admin can add Wellness Administrators, community administrators, and sub-community administrators.

Wellness Admin can View all three categories of Administrators.

Wellness Admin can Edit all three categories.

Support Team

Wellness Admin can Add Support Team Members.

Wellness Admin can View Support Team Members.

Wellness Admin can Edit Support Team Members.

Wellness Admin can Delete Support Team Members.

Population Overview

Wellness Admin can View Population Analysis, Population Data Distribution, and Create a New Challenge.


Wellness Admin can Create and View groups.


Wellness Admin can View the Calendar and add new Challenges.

Wellness Admin can view and add Challenge Templates.


Content Management

Wellness Admin can View, Edit, and Delete Links.

Wellness Admin can download and edit themes.

Wellness Admin can view personal profile.

Wellness Admin can make changes to personal profile settings.

Wellness Admin has access to the personal profile’s Field Configuration.

Wellness Admin can Enable/Disable OTP verification for mobile app login.

The Wellness Admin can set the Invitation Code expiry time.

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