Wellness Plus Facility Admin Roles details, Roles and Responsibilities
  • 28 Jan 2024
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Wellness Plus Facility Admin Roles details, Roles and Responsibilities

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Article summary

What is a Facility? 

A healthcare establishment or clinic offering medical services. Responsibilities vary with the size and type of the Facility (e.g. small clinic vs. large hospital). There can be more than one Facility.

Who is a Facility Admin? 

The person who manages administrative tasks of their respective Facility. In the absence of an Organisation Admin, a Facility Admin can manage the Facility. There can be more than one Facility Administrator.

Facility Admin Login View

Please log in to the CLH Facility Admin account to get access.

Facility tab view: (as Facility Admin)

  • Facilities and Departments
  • Facility Administrators
  • Department Administrators

From Facility and Departments (as Facility Admin), you can:

  • View Added Facility and Department
  • Delete Empty Facility
  • Add New/Edit Department
  • Delete Empty Department

Facility Admin can also check the Number of the Department and Address. 

From Facility Administrators (as Facility Admin), you can:

  • Add New Facility Admin

Facility Admin can also check the Name, Facility, and Last Sign-in.

From Department Administrators (as Facility Admin), you can:

  • Add New/Edit/Delete Department Admin

Facility Admin can also check the Department Admin’s Facility and Department, and Last Sign-in.

Support Team tab view: (as Facility Admin)

  • View/Add/Edit and Delete Support Team Members.

Facility Admin can also check the Support Team’s Facility and Department, Specialization, and Last Sign-in.

View from the Users tab, and you’ll land on the Assigned Users list:

Only the users are visible who are assigned to the selected Facility and Department.

From the Users tab, you can: (as Facility Admin)

  • View User list
  • Invite New User
  • Onboard User
  • Edit and Delete Assigned User

Facility Admin can also check the User’s Gender, Age, Support Team, Facility and Department, and Onboarding Progress, and Last Sync.

From the drop-down menu beside Assigned Users, you can find:

  • All Users
  • Assigned Users
  • Unassigned Users
  • Pending Onboarding Users
  • Pending Activation List
  • Invited Users

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