Wellness Score FAQ
  • 27 Feb 2024
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Wellness Score FAQ

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Article summary

Q: Why have a wellness score?

Answer: The Wellness Score provides insights into an individual’s well-being and potential health risks, to help improve health outcomes. It assists with behavior change by motivating and focusing an individual on areas that will positively impact health outcomes.

Q: How is the wellness score calculated?

Answer: A 70% median health score is added to or subtracted from based on published and peer-reviewed Hazard Ratios (HR) relating to the biometric and health values aggregated within the ConnectedLife application. The calculation is adapted to different population groups with varying risk factors that should be taken into account and differing hazard ratios relating to their levels of risk. The overall contribution of each parameter is weighted depending on the hazard ratio for the individual parameters.

There are some parameters like sleep, exercise, and steps. Heart rate is captured automatically from wearable devices. On the other hand, some parameters can be self-logged by the user from the CLH app example: Fruit and vegetable intake, Blood lipid profile, BMI, Alcohol intake, and Blood Pressure. The higher the potential Hazard Ratio of a parameter the larger the contribution of the parameter to the wellness score.

The color range defines the positive and negative contribution of wellness score, cause of concern, needs improvement, needs attention, or in good condition.

The green (Good) and blue (Attention) conditions give a positive contribution, while the yellow (Risky) and orange (Critical) conditions give a negative contribution. The total wellness score indicates how well the individual is doing.

Q: How does the wellness score work?

Answer: The wellness score provides an insight into your well-being and potential health risks highlighting any areas you need to work on to improve. Each health parameter we capture is compared to a reference range. Where you sit on this reference range indicates a healthy or unhealthy contribution to your wellness score. The level of this contribution is based on published scientific research that has assessed longitudinal risk to your health based on each parameter.

Q: What parameters are included in the wellness score?

Answer: Heart rate, Heart-rate variability, Breathing rate, Blood Oxygen Saturation, Exercise, Sedentary time(immobility), Steps, Walking Speed, Body Shape Index, Blood Pressure, Management of Blood Sugar, Blood lipid content, Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Happiness, Smoking, Alcohol intake, and diet.

Q: What do the colors signify in my wellness score?

Green – Positive contributor to your health if maintained at this level.
Blue – Neutral/Borderline positive contributor to your health if maintained at this level.
Yellow – Moderately negative contributor to your health if maintained at this level.
Orange – Negative contributor to your health if maintained at this level.

Q: When does my wellness score get updated?

Answer: Your wellness score is updated in full at the end of each day. However certain parameters will be updated in your score at earlier points throughout the day. Please log as much data as possible daily to maintain an accurate wellness score.

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