What is Analysis section in the ConnectedLife App
  • 28 Jan 2024
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What is Analysis section in the ConnectedLife App

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Article summary

This article will help you to understand what is Analysis in the CLH App.


It refers to a dedicated segment where users can dive into detailed insights, assessments, or reports of their health status. This section represents a comprehensive analysis of user activity and health metrics. Additionally, the Analysis section provides suggestions for improvement, views wellness scores, and integrates with wearable devices to enhance the accuracy of health data.

To find the “Analysis” in the CLH App, follow the steps below

Open your CLH App and go to the bottom of the home screen.

Press on Analysis.

Manage Device
  • You can click on the “Wearable Device” to manage your wearable device.
  • You can Link/Delink your device from the “Manage Devices.”

Wellness Plus Overview

The Wellness Score has been created to be used as a motivational tool to improve one’s health and wellness. It also serves as an alert, emphasizing any health issues. The wellness data is obtained from the activities recorded by the Fitbit device and the information the patient submits from their schedule screen.

  • Onboarding average: The score displayed that was recorded throughout the first seven days of onboarding.
  • Today: This one represents the score of the day recorded.
  • Target: It Indicates the optimal value that you should reach to improve your long-term health. This target score sets a motivation for the user to their health condition.

  • Reference Range: It Shows your present status. There are different colors assigned to identify your health status. The colors, ranging from orange to green, allow you to clearly distinguish if your current number is inside or beyond the desired range.
  • Long-term wellness indicator: The percentage represents how well you will be in the future if you keep up your current state. The graphic below displays an overview of the patient’s data for the relevant parameter during the last 30 days.

You can also view Positive Contribution and Negative Contribution.

  • The range of values recorded for the body shape will be possible to view in the app in the Analysis section. The activities that your Fitbit watch records contribute to your wellness statistics.
  • In this section, you can view Condition. Under Condition, you will see Blood Pressure, Blood Glucose, Core body temperature, Spo2, and Vital signs from most recent sleep.

From Android View

You can view the range values obtained for Body shape, Steps, and Distance. Your wellness data comes from the activity captured by your smartwatch.

From IOS View

There is a slight change in the interface in the Condition and Wellness segment of the iPhone.


Navigate to the Specialist part from the Analysis section.

  • In this section, you can find whether your medications are taken or not.
  • You can also view your “Self-Reported Discomfort” record.

You can record your discomfort level in your Fitbit watch.


  • Please wait a bit to see the Wellness Score properly.
  • You can keep your record of discomfort level from the app.
  • Wherever the watch icon is located, you need to input those item’s data from the watch.
  • It is highly recommended that you always wear your watch, except when it is charging.

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