What is Wellness Plus Section in Analysis part of ConnectedLife App
  • 10 Feb 2024
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What is Wellness Plus Section in Analysis part of ConnectedLife App

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Article summary

This article will help you to understand The "Wellness Plus" Section in the Analysis part of the CLH App.

Wellness Score

Wellness Score is developed as a holistic solution for chronic illness management, integrating AI and cognitive behavioral research to promote positive lifestyle changes Users can capture and monitor Fitbit data and self-logged metrics such as BP, Lipid, HbA1C, HRV, HR, SpO2, temperature, sleep, exercise, and activity on the platform.

Open your CLH app and navigate to the bottom of the home screen.

Press on Analysis.

Wellness Plus Section Overview

The Wellness Score refers to a numerical metric that Analyses an individual's overall well-being. It has been created as a motivational tool to improve one’s health and wellness. It also serves as an alert, emphasizing any health issues. The wellness data is obtained from the activities recorded by the Fitbit device and the information the patient submits from their schedule screen. It has several components:

  • Onboarding average: The score displayed that was recorded throughout the first seven days of onboarding.
  • Today: This one represents the score of the day recorded.
  • Target: It indicates the optimal value that you should reach to improve your long-term health. This target score sets a motivation for the user to take care of their health.

Reference Range: It shows your present status. There are different colors assigned to identify your health condition. The colors, ranging from orange to green, allow you to clearly distinguish if your current number is inside or beyond the desired range.

Long-term wellness indicator: You will see some percentage here. It is a reflection of your actions. This percentage reveals how your health will be if you continue in your current status in the future.

The graphic below displays an overview of the patient’s data for the relevant parameter during the previous 30 days.

The wellness score has two contributions. One is a Positive contribution, and the other is a Negative contribution.

Positive contributions in a wellness score reflect healthy choices and behaviors that contribute to an individual's holistic well-being.

Negative contributions in a wellness score highlight areas where there might be room for improvement in adopting healthier behaviors. Identifying and addressing these negative factors can be crucial for individuals looking to enhance their overall wellness and improve their wellness score.

Data is integrated from Fitbit, vital signs monitoring devices, and self-logged data to highlight areas of concern based on peer-reviewed Hazard Ratios.


  • Please wait a bit to see all the scores properly.
  • Wherever the watch icon is located, you can input those item’s data from the watch.
  • The colors marked on the sectors will help you identify the parameters that need to be addressed on priority. They range from orange being critical, to green reflecting good condition.
  • The Wellness Score data is updated as soon as the data is synced.

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