Why I am getting Reminders / Nudges
  • 06 Feb 2024
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Why I am getting Reminders / Nudges

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Article summary

These reminders are likely part of a system designed to help you stay on track with your health. They can range from reminders to take medications and appointments to prompts to engage in healthy habits like exercise, proper nutrition, drinking water, or taking rest. Nudges are often used to promote adherence to improve health outcomes and enhance overall well-being. 

Users can get reminders for:

  • Report Health Status
  • Activity
  • Medication and specialised nutrition
  • Stay hydrated
  • Take a rest

If the support team or doctors set any of the above reminders to patients/users then the user will get a reminder via their app notification also from the linked device clock.

Same as users will get nudges if support team members set any Alerts/nudges to them. 

The user will get a nudge via:

  • SMS
  • Email
  • Push notifications

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