Why it is important to input Physicals data
  • 26 Feb 2024
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Why it is important to input Physicals data

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Article summary

This article will help you to understand the importance of inputting physicals data.

Physicals include Waist circumference and weight.  

Users can log physicals data from the CLH App Home Page under the Log section.

When health providers have access to a patient’s up-to-date health/physicals data, they can provide more efficient, higher quality, safer, and more personalised care.

By inputting physical data, it will help a patient to figure out what’s wrong with the user.

Physical data is important because it helps us to understand how things are progressing or not.

It will boost User’s health awareness.

It is a great way to improve physical or clinical care.

Your physicals data is well reflected in your Support Team Member's dashboard. 

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