Why Profile Completion Is Important
  • 27 Jan 2024
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Why Profile Completion Is Important

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Article summary

This article will outline the importance of Profile Completion.

Profile completion is important for several reasons

Profile Completion holds paramount importance in online platforms, weaving a tapestry of trust, connectivity, and enriched user experiences. A complete profile, like a detailed patient history, is the anchor for health and vitality in the digital landscape, creating trust, connectivity, and a thriving online community.

  • Wellness Score

You can have a glimpse of your wellness score if your profile gets completed.

  • Beginning of Program

You can start the program within the moment your profile gets completed.

  • Features

Most of the app features will not be enabled unless you complete the profile.

  • Onboarding

The most important thing is that, If your profile is not completed, you may not be able to onboard onto the platform.


  • Upon completion of all 5 steps, the user needs to select the Primary Support Team member from My Affiliation which is under the Profile section in the CLH App, and later on, the user will be onboarded accordingly. If you don't select a primary support team member from My Affiliation, you will remain as an Unassigned user.

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